
How to Get a Wobbler Conviction Expunged?

By: Super User

20 Sep 2023

A wobbler is an offense that can result in felony or misdemeanor charges. The prosecutor decides how to charge you based on...

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How “Ban the Box” Laws Work

By: developer

25 May 2023

California enforces a law known as "ban the box" that prevents employers with more than five employees from checking a job...

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How to Seal & Destroy Arrest Records?

By: developer

04 May 2023

Many people believe that if you have a criminal record, it usually means you were convicted of a crime. A simple arrest...

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How do I “Expunge” a California DUI from My Record?

By: developer

11 Apr 2023

You can expunge your DUI from your record by filing a petition for dismissal under Penal Code 1203.4. However, you must...

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