
How to Qualify for an Expungement in Los Angeles?

By: developer

17 May 2022

Facing criminal charges is a scary experience. The criminal charges lead to hefty fines, possible jail time, probation, and...

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How to Seal Juvenile Records in Los Angeles

By: developer

03 May 2022

If you had previously been convicted under the juvenile justice system, it could be hard for you to get a job, go to...

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California Laws on Employer Use of Arrest and Conviction Records

By: developer

07 Apr 2022

A criminal record can lock you out of specific employment opportunities and even deny you housing within certain...

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Consequences of a Felony Conviction and the Possibility of Expungement

By: developer

07 Apr 2022

A felony is any criminal offense for which you can be sentenced to state prison and is one of the most serious types of...

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